What’s Included
All-inclusive means you don’t have to pack much. Three square meals a day, horses and outdoor gear, trail rides and fly fishing clinics, and even complimentary beer and wine are all included.
Concierge for Area Activities
Sample some of the other delights of life in Jackson Hole before or after your stay. Check out our list of the best of the best Jackson Hole activities and information to help you become your own concierge.
Getting Here
Getting to Flat Creek Ranch is its own adventure. We aren’t just off a major highway. In fact, we encourage you to hike the most scenic portion of the road in while we brave the bumpy 4×4 road with your luggage.
What to Bring
This is going to be the easy part. Leave most of the details to us, but check out our list of essentials to bring on your Flat Creek Ranch adventure.
You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers. Learn about connectivity, trail rides, weather and more on our list of frequently asked questions.
Private Gatherings
As an intimate place that can handle no more than 15 people, smaller groups from family reunions to C-suite escapes have plenty of reason to visit.